Dear Parents,
Re: Registration for 2020-21 School Year and St. Lawrence Virtual Summer Camp 2020
I hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. You have been in our daily prayers and Mass intentions.
Life has been challenging for you. Your family’s health and work has been a priority during this time of the coronavirus. In addition, long distance learning has added another big part to your day. It is for this reason that we have an exciting opportunity to present to you.
When you register your child for the 2020-21 school year we will reserve a place for your child in Virtual Summer Camp St. Lawrence (July 6 -31, 2020.) We will be offering some fun summer activities designed to enrich and entertain your child. This Camp will be free of charge. It is our way of saying, “Thank you” for all of your hard work over these past two months.
In order to accept this offer, your registration papers are due by May 22, 2020. You can either mail them or drop them off at the school office Monday – Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm. In some cases, we will require a zoom conference call with a parent and their child before they register.
Our new school year will begin on August 10, 2020. We have designed an exciting new model of Catholic education for St. Lawrence. We will be presenting it by grade levels via Zoom over the next few weeks. We will be contacting you with the details very shortly.
We look forward to receiving your registration packets for the 2020-21 school year and enrolling your child in virtual Summer Camp St. Lawrence 2020.
Know that you remain our prayers and those of the Capuchin Friars. Be safe. God bless,
Fr. Matthew G. Elshoff, OFM Cap. Ms. Alicia Camacho Pastor Principal